Labour Market Sector Profiles in New Brunswick


This government website contains labour market information specific to 15 economic sectors in New Brunswick. The sectors highlighted include:

  • Natural Resources
  • Utilities
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail and Wholesale Trade
  • Transportation and Warehousing
  • Service Sector
  • Public Administration
  • Information Culture and Recreation
  • Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Educational Services
  • Accommodation and Food Services
  • Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, and Leasing
  • Business, Building, and other Support Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services

Each profile includes a report and a snapshot. The reports provide detailed information including statistics on GDP and productivity, a profile of the sector’s workforce (demographics, wages, etc.), regional highlights, and forecast data. The snapshots provide highlights from each report in the form of an infographic.

This particular tab on the site is part of the more comprehensive Government of New Brunswick Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour website where learners can access more complete career connected learning information.

(please note – the information provided is pre-pandemic to 2019) 


  • To provide learners an opportunity to research labour market information in New Brunswick.
  • To assist in informing career life pathway planning.


Educators can use this site as one of several resources to support research about specific sectors in the workforce in New Brunswick. Learners could either research the sector they are interested in or investigate a sector that is new to them. The wage information provided on the site provides a good start to informing a financial plan.

Key Highlights

  • Provides a snapshot and labour market economic profile of a variety of sectors in New Brunswick
  • A helpful research tool for learners to obtain labour market information pertinent to their home province.
  • Infographics are helpful to provide a quick glance at each sector.
  • Provides information about sectors that learners may not have considered.