The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)


The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning CASEL envisions all children and adults as self-aware, caring, responsible, engaged, and lifelong learners who work together to achieve their goals and create a more inclusive, just world through a commitment to Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This comprehensive professional resource includes information on:

  • The Fundamentals of SEL
  • System Implementation for Classrooms, Schools, Families, Communities etc.
  • News and Publications
  • Events and Webinars
  • A Blog
  • Professional Services
  • Newsletters
  • CASEL websites


  • To support educators in addressing youth mental health and well-being and embedding research-based practices into their daily interactions with learners
  • To support career development from the perspective of mental health and well-being and SEL


CASEL’s Guide to Schoolwide SEL and District Resource Center offer free guidance, tools, and examples for schools and districts pursuing a systemic approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) implementation.

Educators can access the SEL 3 Signature Practices to get started weaving the signature practices every day, as a regular part of planning and facilitating lessons, meetings, and professional learning. These research-based practices can be part of a systemic approach to SEL. They help us build and practice social and emotional skills and create a climate of belonging for everyone, building strong, equitable, effective learning and working environments.  There are examples and strategies provided for:

  • Inclusive Welcome
  • Engaging Strategies
  • Intentional Close

Key Highlights

Includes practical strategies as brief as one-to five-minute SEL practices, multiple examples, videos and stories from the field, practical resources