In this game, players connect job descriptions with their corresponding titles while also prompting their team to guess the professions without directly naming them. Participants discover different career paths, improve their critical thinking abilities, and participate in lively, hands-on learning experiences.
- Learners match career descriptions to corresponding career titles.
- Learners will demonstrate an understanding of various careers and their responsibilities.
- An opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills.
- Explain the objective of the game: to describe career-related concepts to their partner without using specific “taboo” (forbidden) words listed on the Careers Flash Cards for Taboo Career Game
- Do a practice round by selecting a card and describing the career without using the taboo words listed.
Team Set-up:
- Divide into groups of 4, with each group of 4 divided in 2 smaller groups of 2
- Each team selects roles:
- Team A designates a describer and a guesser.
- Team B assigns a one-minute timekeeper and a taboo word monitor
- Team A’s describer picks a card and describes the career to their guesser without using any taboo words.
- The guesser attempts to identify the career based on the description.
- Each correct guess earns Team A one point, while using a taboo word forfeits the card with no points awarded.
- Teams A and B take turns until all cards have been used.
Game Conclusion:
- Once all cards have been guessed, the team with the most points wins.
Next Steps: Learners can create their own version of the matching game to further explore different careers.
Key Highlights
- Can be adapted to be done by drawing visuals, or acting out (in a “Charades-like” format
- Can be adapted to fit to any content area with specific areas of focus ie: careers only in science-related or arts-related fields