Career Life Plan
Career Life Plan
A cornerstone for the Grade 9 year is Career Connected Learning. Career Connected Learning is embedded in Personal Wellness 9, but is also important for other curricular areas, as it is foundational to individual decisions about courses and willingness to engage in the multi-faceted high school experience (ie. courses, social activities, co- and extracurriculars, and community involvement)
For students expected to graduate in 2026 and after, the graduation requirements are new. Policy 316B indicates that as of 2026, graduates must:
- have met learning requirements prescribed in Grade 9 curriculum
- have completed compulsory credit-hours in Grades 10 through 12
- have accumulated 100 credit-hours to apply for graduation
- have developed a documented Career Life Plan

Creating your Career Life Plan in myBlueprint
The easiest way for learners to begin a Career Life Plan is to use myBlueprint.
Not sure how to support your learners? There is a guide specifically for that in myBlueprint – here is how to access it:
Visit the correct district landing page:
Anglophone North
Anglophone South
Anglophone East
Anglophone West
Log in with your school account
Follow these steps to reach the guide:

Also available: Career Life Plan NB – Guide for Students [PDF]
Aussi disponible: Plan de carrière et de vie – Guide de l’élève [PDF]