Career Match-Up Game myBlueprint


A basic interactive introductory game where learners match career descriptions to corresponding titles while also guessing the professions before revealing the answers.

Career Match-Up Game myBlueprint


  • Learners match career descriptions to corresponding career titles.
  • Learners will an understanding of various careers and their responsibilities.


Begin by doing a practice round of the “minds on” examples provided. Next,

  1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
  2. Distribute the career description cards and career title cards randomly among the groups.
  3. Instruct students to work in their groups to match each career description to the corresponding career title. They should discuss the responsibilities and characteristics described in the career descriptions to make their matches.
  4. Review the correct answers as a class, by sharing their matches and reasoning behind their choices.

Educators can use the existing descriptions provided on the Career Guessing Game Student Handout or create titles and descriptions for a particular content area (ie:  All STEM-related Careers).  Learners can also be encouraged to create a description for a career of their choice or a career they wish to further explore.

Learners can create their own version of the matching game to further explore different careers.

Key Highlights

  • Can be adapted to be more intentionally focused in particular content / career areas and to be more difficult by selecting lesser known careers and occupations.
  • Can be done online.