This website (UnversityStudy.ca), supported by Universities Canada, provides a comprehensive list of resources to search for scholarships, student awards, bursaries and grants. Students can also explore universities to access information fees, educational programs and student enrolment, and compare universities using a tool that arranges key information about multiple universities side-by-side.
- To support learners, educators, and families to explore and compare university programs and sites across Canada.
- To support learners to access information about financial planning for university and financial supports including scholarships, bursaries, student loans, grants.
The website is organized by the following tabs:
- Explore Universities – search by university name or by province or compare universities.
- Search Programs – enter key words to search and compare programs.
- Plan Your Studies – includes information on how to choose a program and/or university, money matters (scholarship information, working, financial information), and helpful tips.
Key Highlights
- Offers a feature to compare 3 universities at a time.
- A cross-Canada resource.
- Includes related articles and links to financial and post-secondary opportunities.
- Available in French.