Visit My New School


To support a hopeful transition, a site visit to their new school helps prepare the learner, their family, and the new school staff to get to know each other. It is a helpful strategy to begin to address learner needs in advance of attending regularly.

This experiential learning resource includes a pre- and post-set of key points and guiding questions to accompany a site visit to the learner’s new school. This activity provides the learner with a supportive introduction to their new environment, reducing potential concerns while also creating excitement about new opportunities.

While this activity is intended to support Tier 3 learners, this template could be adapted for any learners entering a new school environment.

View the Visit My New School link to the activity:

Visit my new school (PDF)

Visit my new school (Word Doc)


Objective 1:  To support the learner to reflect upon their questions and needs as they transition to a new school.

Objective 2:  To introduce the school staff to the learner by providing some initial insight to learner preferences and concerns.

Objective 3:  To introduce the learner’s family to the new school.

Objective 4:  To provide an experiential career connected learning opportunity to support learner agency towards a hopeful transition.


Resource Educator: 

Before the Visit:

  1. Review the activity questions with the learner to complete their answers to the 3 main points on the document (questions, concerns, preferences). Depending on their level of independence, you may choose to share the questions with the family.
  2. Discuss and reflect upon the pre-visit answers with the learner.

After the Visit:

  1. As soon as possible after the visit, have the learner provide answers to the 5 questions on page 2.  Depending on level of independence, you may choose to seek family input.
  2. Discuss and reflect upon the post-visit responses with the learner.
  3. Identify any gaps or additional information that might assist with the transition.
  4. Determine a plan for next steps.

Key Highlights

  • Addresses possible questions and concerns of the learner while encouraging learner voice and agency to express their needs to prepare for a hopeful transition.
  • Allows the learner to share their feelings with school staff prior to attending the new school.