Resources & Learning Activities

Now that you’ve learned about Hopeful Transitions and your role, use the Resources and Learning Activities filter on this screen to access appropriate resources and learning activities. 

Resources and Learning Activities

Youth in Canada: Education, Training, Jobs, Volunteer, Opportunities, Voice

Government of Canada website devoted to supporting youth opportunities and voice

YMCA Emplois d’été échange – Summer Works Student Exchange Program

YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange (SWSE) is a six-week program offered to youth ages 16-17.

YMCA Community Action Network (YCAN)

An innovative national program developing projects in response to the need of your local community.

WILWorks Youth in Manufacturing Program

EMC connects employers and educators, solidifying the path from school to the workforce.

When I Grow Up: Career Lessons and Activities for Grades 9-12

Career exploration curricula aim to place career decisions and knowledge in action through application.

What Color Is Your Parachute? (For Teens)

An engaging self-reflective guide for teens to support career development pathway planning.

Volunteerism and Service-Learning Lesson Plan Resources myBlueprint

Volunteering is a great way for students to give back while offering incredible opportunities for personal growth, career exploration, and skill-building!

Volunteer Canada/Bénévoles Canada

A comprehensive website supporting all aspects of volunteerism.

Career Connected Learning Professional Learning 

PLHub Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning | PL Hub (

Professional Learning Series

The following modules are designed to support K-12 educators in preparing learners for the future. Each module takes 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Educators will receive a certificate of completion for each module and those who complete all five modules will receive a Career Connected Educator badge for their signature block.

Module 1

Module 1

Series Introduction and myBlueprint
Module 2

Module 2

Labour Market Information (LMI)
Module 3

Module 3

Experiential Learning
Module 4

Module 4

Financial Wellness
Module 5

Module 5

Global Competencies and SEL