Resources & Learning Activities

Now that you’ve learned about Hopeful Transitions and your role, use the Resources and Learning Activities filter on this screen to access appropriate resources and learning activities. 

Resources and Learning Activities

Career Connected Learning

GNB Career Connected Learning Resources

Career Connected Experiences

A course dedicated to helping learners discover who they are and what exists beyond the classroom for them to experience.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education

The CFEE provides free financial education tools and learning resources to teachers and students.

Bridging Two Worlds: Supporting Newcomer and Refugee Youth – A Guide to Curriculum Implementation and Integration

Comprehensive, trauma-informed, culturally responsive 234-page guide supporting education professionals working with newcomer and refugee youth in Canada.


avenueNB increases opportunities and labour market participation for persons with a disability.

Atlantic Competency Framework

A framework highlighting cross-curricular career competencies required for work and life for Atlantic Canadians.

ARTICLE: Equipping Gen Z for Rewarding Careers in an Evolving Workplace

We need to reframe the model of success in careers: when the journey is the reward, the career remains fulfilling even when the destination shifts.

Amazon Future Engineer: Computer Science Courses

Curriculum and training for educators to support high school computer science education.

Career Connected Learning Professional Learning 

PLHub Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning | PL Hub (

Professional Learning Series

The following modules are designed to support K-12 educators in preparing learners for the future. Each module takes 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Educators will receive a certificate of completion for each module and those who complete all five modules will receive a Career Connected Educator badge for their signature block.

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