Resources & Learning Activities

Now that you’ve learned about Hopeful Transitions and your role, use the Resources and Learning Activities filter on this screen to access appropriate resources and learning activities. 

Resources and Learning Activities

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (New Brunswick Chapter)

Bilingual programs supporting education related to the importance of the agriculture industry.

Ability New Brunswick’s Peer Mentorship Program

Peer Mentorship for youth with a mobility disability

Ability New Brunswick, Transition NB program

One-on-one kitchen table transition planning services for youth with a mobility disability.

Ability New Brunswick Para NB – Sport & Recreation Program

Ensuring that all students receive accessible, quality inclusive physical education.

A Guide for Preparing for Experiential Learning in the Community

A guide to support community experiential learning placements.

#21 for 21

21 ideas from educators to teach 21st century skills

(CFEE) Money and Youth

Money and Youth a branch of CFEE provides (free) financial educational programming for youth.

Career Connected Learning Professional Learning 

PLHub Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning | PL Hub (

Professional Learning Series

The following modules are designed to support K-12 educators in preparing learners for the future. Each module takes 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Educators will receive a certificate of completion for each module and those who complete all five modules will receive a Career Connected Educator badge for their signature block.

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