Resources & Learning Activities

Now that you’ve learned about Hopeful Transitions and your role, use the Resources and Learning Activities filter on this screen to access appropriate resources and learning activities. 

Resources and Learning Activities

Skills Canada New Brunswick

A national organization promoting skilled trades and technologies opportunities in New Brunswick.

Skills Canada Career Explorer Map

An interactive map of skilled trades training institutions across Canada.

Skilled Trades Discussion

Discussion based activity focuses on group discussion and skilled trades.

Secondary Education in the Provinces and Territories of Canada: A Student Transfer Guide – Council of Ministers of Education, Secondary Education, Updated

Secondary Education in the Provinces and Territories of Canada: A Student Transfer Guide 2023–24 is to assist receiving schools in placing secondary students who have recently moved from one province or territory to another, to ensure their education is as continuous as possible.

ReThink Ability

Rethink Ability is on-line disability training created in New Brunswick to positively change how people think about disability.

Real World Labour Market Challenges

An NB resource where learners solve real world labour market challenges.

RBC UpSkill

A free AI-generated customized tool to help you discover and unlock your career potential.

RBC Future Launch

An extensive website linking youth to career development opportunities and supports.

Career Connected Learning Professional Learning 

PLHub Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning | PL Hub (

Professional Learning Series

The following modules are designed to support K-12 educators in preparing learners for the future. Each module takes 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Educators will receive a certificate of completion for each module and those who complete all five modules will receive a Career Connected Educator badge for their signature block.

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