Resources & Learning Activities

Now that you’ve learned about Hopeful Transitions and your role, use the Resources and Learning Activities filter on this screen to access appropriate resources and learning activities. 

Resources and Learning Activities

New Brunswick Environmental Network

Network supporting learners interested in exploring careers in environmental sustainability in New Brunswick.

Learn about careers in NB and supports to achieve your career goals.

NB Sports Hall of Fame

Recognizing New Brunswick's finest athletes, teams, and builders since 1970.

National Career Development Association (NCDA) – Archives (K – 12)

These archives host articles and other resources to support career development education.

myBlueprint: Transition to High School Teacher Guide

A guide for educators in facilitating a middle school students transition to high school activity.

myBlueprint: Transition to High School Student Guide

The Transition to High School Student guide was created to support students transition to high school.

myBlueprint Workshop Series

Have your whole school or specific cohorts using myBlueprint within three one-hour workshops.

myBlueprint Workshop Guide: Pre-Recorded Videos Grades 6-12

A supportive resource to introduce educators and learners to the myBlueprint Education Planner.

Career Connected Learning Professional Learning 

PLHub Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning | PL Hub (

Professional Learning Series

The following modules are designed to support K-12 educators in preparing learners for the future. Each module takes 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Educators will receive a certificate of completion for each module and those who complete all five modules will receive a Career Connected Educator badge for their signature block.

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