School Counsellor

Overview of Role

The School Counsellor is a key influencer in the school community, and your support of career pathway transition planning will be critical to the success and impact this work will have. As a person with responsibility for the Personal Wellness curriculum, you will highlight the direct connection between career pathway transition planningand improved mental health. The service you provide encourages you to move freely up and down the Hopeful Transitions RTI model pyramid to meet each learner’s unique needs. The “SAIL” model within the School Counselling Framework describes your work as you support (S), advocate (A), intervene (I), and lead (L) through the fields of practice of mental health, social emotional learning, academic learning, and Career Connected Learning.

To learn more download the School Counsellor Chapter.


Based on Policy 322: Inclusive Education, your role as a School Counsellor as part of the Education Support Services Team regarding transitions is to…

  • Collaborate with other school-based team members (e.g., learner, caregivers, educators, Education Support Services Teachers, education support staff, etc.), service providers, and/or community partners to provide career pathway transition planning and decision-making supports for each learner via a tiered approach and a support, advocacy, intervention and leadership (SAIL) model.

— School-Based Education Support Services Teams: Supporting Inclusive Education


Download and complete the Hopeful Transitions School Counsellor Planning Document to ensure that you are well prepared in your role of supporting Hopeful Transitions.

Check In Questions


What do I need to do?

What is my responsibility?


What will enhance what I’m doing?

What else do I need to think about?


How will I know my learners are actively engaged in career pathway transition planning?

Do any of my learners require additional support?

Next steps

Now that you understand your role you can begin to find the right resources and learning activities.